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40pages, 2,342 results in yourMediumsearch for"watercolor and graphite on paperboard"Advanced Search
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Small Shaker Chest, c. 1937. Creator: Sumner Merrill.
Cream Pitcher, c. 1937. Creator: Michael J. Miceli.
Pottery Jug, c. 1937. Creator: Michael J. Miceli.
Tobacco Box Cover, c. 1937. Creator: Eugene C. Miller.
Reel, 1938. Creator: Eugene C. Miller.
Butter Tub, 1938. Creator: Eugene C. Miller.
Birch Bark Shoe, 1938. Creator: Eugene C. Miller.
Doll, 1935/1942. Creator: Florence Milto.
Coverlet, c. 1940. Creator: Florence Milto.
Coverlet, c. 1940. Creator: Florence Milto.
Coverlet, c. 1939. Creator: Florence Milto.
Candlestick, c. 1940. Creator: Joseph Mitry.
Preserving Jar, c. 1941. Creator: Joseph Mitry.
Sand Shaker, c. 1941. Creator: Renee A. Monfalcone.
Doll--"Nina", 1935/1942. Creator: Renee A. Monfalcone.
Napoleon Jug, c. 1939. Creator: Roy Moon.
Lamp, c. 1936. Creator: Marcus Moran.
Trivet, c. 1937. Creator: Rocco Navigato.
Candlestick, c. 1936. Creator: James O'Mara.
Flat Iron Stand, c. 1939. Creator: John Petrucci.
Quilt, c. 1937. Creator: Gladys Phillips.
Ship Lantern, c. 1939. Creator: Samuel Philpot.
Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: Ruggiero Pierotti.
Butter Mold, c. 1941. Creator: Michael Rekucki.
Wall Paper, c. 1937. Creator: George Robin.
Child's Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: George Robin.
Wall Paper, c. 1936. Creator: George Robin.
Carriage Dress, c. 1941. Creator: Eleanor Ruelos.
Bandbox, 1935/1942. Creator: Eleanor Ruelos.
Flat Iron Holder, c. 1938. Creator: Gordon Sanborn.
Chair, 1935/1942. Creator: Gordon Sanborn.
Candlestick, c. 1939. Creator: Gordon Sanborn.
Woman's Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: Gerald Scalise.
Hat Box - Wood, c. 1940. Creator: Gerald Scalise.
Silk Gown, 1936. Creator: Maude Schell.
Candle Mold, 1935/1942. Creator: William Schmidt.
Candle Stand, c. 1942. Creator: Luella Schroeder.
Glass Vase, c. 1937. Creator: Robert Schuerer.
Cigar Store Indian, c. 1939. Creator: Charles R. Shane.
Spur, 1935/1942. Creator: Hazel Sheckler.
Historical Printed Textile, c. 1940. Creator: E.A. Smaller.
Jar, 1935/1942. Creator: Charlotte Sperber.
Patchwork Quilting, 1939. Creator: Harvey Thoss.
Printed Cotton (Quilt), 1935/1942. Creator: John Tubrant.
Watch Fob with Human Hair Chain, c. 1936. Creator: Kathryn Uhl.
Candlestick, c. 1937. Creator: William Vergani.
Stick Pin, c. 1938. Creator: Kalamian Walton.
Jewelry, c. 1939. Creator: Kalamian Walton.
Churn, c. 1941. Creator: Ardella Watkins.
Trivet, c. 1942. Creator: Ardella Watkins.
Sugar Bucket, c. 1941. Creator: Ardella Watkins.
Match Box, c. 1941. Creator: Ardella Watkins.
Trivet, c. 1942. Creator: Ardella Watkins.
Waffle Iron, 1935/1942. Creator: Ardella Watkins.
Candle Holder, c. 1937. Creator: Arthur Wegg.
Candlestick, c. 1937. Creator: Arthur Wegg.
Flour Sifter, c. 1937. Creator: Arthur Wegg.
Side Chair, 1935/1942. Creator: Hans Westendorff.
Baby's Lace Cap, 1935/1942. Creator: Richard Whitaker.
Infant's Shirt, c. 1937. Creator: Richard Whitaker.